Can I Run A 5k? 

Have you just realised your 5k race just a few weeks away? Are you deliberating whether to do it or not?  

The possibility of running 5kms without stopping really depends on your current fitness level, your lifestyle, the race course and your objectives. If you are worried, best to check with your doctor. 

Whether it is a parkrun or a 5k race, many people run and walk different parts. There is no rule saying you cannot walk. So whether you may not have done as much training as you would have liked to do, walking parts of the distance can be a great way to go the distance. You may like to think of this 5k as an interval session.


If you regularly do cardiovascular activity like rowing, cycling, rollerblading, swimming etc., and you can do these for an hour or more, then you may find no difficulty in running a 5k

If you have certain medical conditions, it may be unsafe for you to run a 5K without proper training. If you do, check with your doctor to make sure. Maybe you can defer the race and complete 6 - 8 weeks training beforehand. 

Train for a 5k

You probably won’t be able to run your fastest 5k with no prior training. But many people can complete a 5kms whether it is solely running or a walk/ run. 

At Coopah, we would recommend spending 6-8 weeks following a 5k training plan, maybe more if you were not very active beforehand or wish to build at a steadier pace. Depending on our fitness you may like to spend a few more, just to build up that fitness and smash your next 5k. 

Training for a 5K will vary considerably depending on your current running ability and fitness level and goals as well as which terrain you plan to do your 5 kilometers on, for example, trails, road or track. 

If you are an experienced runner and you want to run your fastest 5km, then you will have more speed sessions compared to runners who are aiming to complete the distance. Runners who are focusing primarily on completing the distance will target more of their training on increasing their mileage.  

If you plan to complete a 5k trail race, for example, then you should frequently train on that type of terrain, as it is very different to running on track. Do 1 - 2 (minimum) weekly sessions, including your long run, on trails to mimic that race day terrain. That way, when it comes to race day, your body will be accustomed to this terrain and your pacing will be suitable. 


One of the benefits of following a 5km training plan is it will already have recovery days built in, and more importantly the right amount of recovery days to allow your body to repair, get stronger and keep improving in your training sessions. RunBritain recommends running at least 3 times a week. 

Tips before your 5K

  1. Use a Training Plan (For example, Coopah, NHS Couch to 5K

  2. If this is your first 5K, take it easy. Aim to complete it and then build from there.

  3. Make sure you stay hydrated! It is important to stay hydrated the days leading up to your race too.

  4. Recovery is key - During recovery, your body builds itself to be stronger and fitter but too much recovery can have a negative effect! 

  5. On race day, make sure you wear a running outfit that you know is comfortable for you to run in.

  6. Warm up before the race

  7. Smile, everything feels better when you smile

Train for your 5K with Coopah!

Coopah can help you train for your first/ next 5k! 

Our digital coach will create a training plan tailored to your target distance/race and goal time. As you train, our plans adjust based on your progress, giving you the right sessions at the right time.


We are giving you a 7 day free trial for you to see whether you think this is the best option for you.

The Coopah app is supported on both Android and iOS devices.

You can download the Coopah app for Android devices from the Google Play Store. Users of iOS devices can find it in the App Store.


Luff, C., 2021. Can You Run a 5K Without Training?. Very Well Fit. [online]. Available at: [Accessed 19th July 2022]

RunBritain, 2022. Could I run a 5k?. RunBritain [online]. Available at: [Accessed 25th July 2022]

Walsh, A., 2022. 5k training: a plan for beginning trail runners. Atlanta Trails. [online]. Available at: [Accessed 25th July 2022]


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