Fast And Easy Way To Train For A Marathon

So you have a marathon in mind, now all you need to do is train for it. Let’s start off by stating the obvious, training for a marathon is never going to be easy. But it was easy, it would not feel like such a huge achievement when you cross the finish line. 


Most runners start their marathon training 16 - 20 weeks before marathon day. Some others like to take a bit longer and may start training up to 24 weeks before race day. If you do not have 16 weeks, do not panic! It is still very possible to get marathon fit in 8 to 12 weeks, especially if you run regularly and/or have an active lifestyle. 

But if you have 16 - 20 weeks, I would start training then, as it takes the pressure off a little and if you need to miss a couple training sessions here and there it is okay. If you do choose to train for a marathon in 8 weeks with no to little running experience it may be the fastest way but it will definitely not be the easiest way. 

Whether this is your first marathon or your sixth major marathon, you do need a training plan. Some people believe they can run a marathon with no training plan and very rarely is this true. Usually, this ends with a broken and very sore body.

The best training plan is one that you can enjoy and fits into your schedule. Similar to what Marathon Marcus stated on the Runner’s World podcast, consistency is key when training for a marathon. 

A 10 tips from Amy Hughes, a 53 time marathoner in 53 days.

  1. Find a training plan that works for you

  2. Do not run everyday

  3. Have rest days 

  4. Stop comparing yourself

  5. Learn to listen to your body

  6. Incorporate yoga and/or pilates

  7. Do Strength training 

  8. Find a community

  9. Make sure you’re eating enough

  10. Believe in yourself 

To more about Amy’s tips, read How to get fit for a marathon in 12 weeks. 

The easiest way to train for a marathon is…

to join the Coopah community!

The easiest way to train for your marathon, at least in our opinion as well as many of our runners, is to download the Coopah App. Let us know when your marathon is and what you want to achieve and Coopah will create a training plan tailored to you and your goal. Coopah can get you marathon fit from 24 weeks to 8 weeks prior to marathon day!

What sessions will your marathon training plan include?

Easy Runs: 70% of your weekly running time will be done at this pace so make sure it is the correct pace for you Read our article on how to work out your easy run pace?

Yoga - We will implement yoga sessions into your plan to reduce the risk of injury. 

Tempo Runs and Interval training sessions: Tempo runs will improve your lactate threshold which is crucial when trying to run faster for longer as well as many other benefits. Interval training is a super-effective form of speed work, based around the idea of running in several short, fast bursts, with slower recovery intervals in-between. There are many different variations of interval sessions

The Long Run: You will see that each week there is a long run that builds up weekly.  Take these easy and enjoy them. This is a good run to practise your nutrition strategy for race day, try different food sources and see what works for you. 

Strength and Conditioning sessions: Strength training has many benefits for runners. Stronger leg muscles are able to deliver more power when running, while strengthening connective tissues (tendons and ligaments), you are less likely to get injured.


Rest and recovery: Adequate rest helps prevent injuries and mental and physical burnout.

Download Coopah today and start training for your marathon!

The Coopah app is supported on both Android and iOS devices.

You can download the Coopah app for Android devices from the Google Play Store. Users of iOS devices can find it in the App Store.


  1. Maguire, J., 2022. How to run a marathon: free marathon training plans for every kind of runner. Runner’s World [online]. Available at: [Accessed 16th June 2022]

  2. Hughes, A., 2018. How to get fit for a marathon in 12 weeks. Red Bull [online]. Available at: [Accessed 20th June 2022]

  3. Alexander, V., 2021., Vassos Alexander: How to Run a Marathon. Runner’s World [podcast]. Available at: [Accessed 16th June 2022] 

  4. Brown, M., 2021. How to Run Your Best Marathon. Runner’s World [podcast]. Available at: [Accessed 16th June 2022]

  5. Watson, T., 2022. Marathon Interval Training. Marathon Handbook. [online]. Available at: [Accessed 16th June 2022]

  6. Fountain, L. 2019. 10 strength exercises to improve your running. Red Bull. [online]. Available at:  [Accessed 22nd June 2022]

  7. Sayer, 2022. Strength Training For Runners: The Complete Guide. Marathon Handbook. Available at: [Accessed 16th June 2022]




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