Most Time Effective Way To Train For A Marathon

Signed up to a marathon? Wondering when to start your training? And how to train for a marathon the most time effective way? 

Training for a marathon will always take time. Only a handful of athletes can wake up that morning and propose to run a marathon, there will always be some kind of training required, especially if there is any time focused goal in mind. 


If you already run regularly and have done a few 10K’s and Half Marathon, a 12 week or 16 week marathon training plan is a great option. 16 week will give you some wiggle room, just in case you need to miss a few sessions. This time period will also gradually build the mileage into your legs and allow you to taper at the end before marathon day.

The most time effective way to train for a marathon can really depend on your goal. Similar to what Martin Yelling mentioned in the RunPod podcast, if you are training to reach the finish line, you may need to train for a shorter amount of weeks compared to if your goal is to run a marathon at an ambitious pace for you. This also depends on your current running ability and if you are running a marathon for the first time or if this is your 21st marathon. 

The amount of days you run depends on your schedule and your goals. You can get marathon fit with running just 3 sessions per week but a few more times would better your performance. The London Marathon running coach, Martin Yelling, recommends training between 3 - 6 days a week. 

Training plaN

A very effective way to train for a marathon is to first find a training plan that works for you. A training plan will do as it says on the tin, take care of the planning for you. You no longer need to spend a lot of time creating a training plan and it will be designed for you to reach peak level of fitness around your event day. 

Rest days are already built into every good training plan. Having these recovery days built in, you are more likely to recover when it is right for you. 

Using a training plan that is not created by yourself, you are more likely to do different workouts and workouts that you would have probably not set yourself as they may not seem too appealing but will provide you with great results in the long run. 

A training plan will include a lot of running at your marathon pace as well as long runs. So when you are waiting at the start line for the bell to go, you will feel confident in finishing the marathon at your goal pace. 

In even the most simple training plan, there are four elements of a marathon training plan which any runner training for a marathon will need to do. These are:

  1. Base mileage. Build your weekly mileage over time

  2. The long run. Do a long run every 7–10 days so your body can adjust gradually to long distances.

  3. Speed work. Practice intervals and tempo runs to increase your cardio capacity.

  4. Rest and recovery. Adequate rest helps prevent injuries and mental burnout.


It is very important to find a training plan that works for you, this can either be from a running coach near you, some running clubs may provide you with a training plan or you can download Coopah, your very own digital running coach, for a personalised training plan tailored to you. 

Coopah App

Coopah, your digital run coach will create a training plan specific to your current running ability, target race and goal time. As you train, our plans adjust based on your progress, giving you the right sessions at the right time.

What sessions will your marathon training plan include? 

Easy Runs: 70% of your weekly running time will be done at this pace so make sure it is the correct pace for you Read our article on how to work out your easy run pace?

Yoga - We will implement yoga sessions into your plan to reduce the risk of injury. 

Tempo Runs and Interval Training Sessions: Tempo runs will improve your lactate threshold which is crucial when trying to run faster for longer as well as many other benefits. Interval training is a super-effective form of speed work, based around the idea of running in several short, fast bursts, with slower recovery intervals in-between. There are many different variations of interval sessions.

The Long Run: You will see that each week there is a long run that builds up weekly.  Take these easy and enjoy them. This is a good run to practise your nutrition strategy for race day, try different food sources and see what works for you. 

Strength and Conditioning Sessions: Strength training has many benefits for runners. Stronger leg muscles are able to deliver more power when running, while strengthening connective tissues (tendons and ligaments), you are less likely to get injured.

Rest and Recovery: Adequate rest helps prevent injuries and mental burnout.


If you are looking to get marathon fit in the most time effective way, download Coopah today!

The Coopah app is supported on both Android and iOS devices.

You can download the Coopah app for Android devices from the Google Play Store. Users of iOS devices can find it in the App Store.


Global Triathlon Network (GTN), 2019. How To Train For A Marathon: GTN’s Tips For Marathon Success. [video]. Youtube. Available at: [Accessed 22nd June 2022]

Yelling, M., 2022. Martin Yelling. [podcast]. RunPod. Available at: [Accessed 21st June 2022] 

Coopah. 2022. How Many Days A Week Should I Run For A Marathon. Coopah. [online] Available at: [Accessed 19th June 2022]

Hambleton, B., 2021. 5 reasons to follow a training plan. Canadian Running [online]. Available at: [Accessed 20th June 2022] 

Winn, Y., 2022. Expert Advice: How to train for a marathon. Recreational Equipment [online]. Available at: [Accessed 22nd June 2022]

Watson, T., 2022. Marathon Interval Training. Marathon Handbook. [online]. Available at: [Accessed 16th June 2022]

Fountain, L. 2019. 10 strength exercises to improve your running. Red Bull. [online]. Available at:  [Accessed 22nd June 2022]

Sayer, 2022. Strength Training For Runners: The Complete Guide. Marathon Handbook. Available at: [Accessed 16th June 2022]


How Long Does It Take To Train For A Marathon
